I found the first day to be somewhat challenging. The expectation to become a "blogger" on the spot felt a little intimidating. I am not a fan of putting myself out there in the virtual world and probably will not keep this blog once the course is finished.
The content of the course is overwhelming for a person who knows little about technology. As an educator however, I think it is extremely important for me to know what is available for enhancing student learning. I am looking forward to learning a muiltitude of new things.
The videos I have watched to date really bring home for me the importance of offering assistive technology to the students who require it for the learning needs. Sue Ruben would still be locked in her world of "awful autism" (her words) if it were not for the introduction of the keyboard into her life. Such a common technology opened the world for her. We would not know her if she had not encountered this simple device.
The IPod Touch, which was demonstrated in numerous ways in the other videos seems like a remarkable little technology for students of many differening needs. What I really like about it is that it is a common technology that many people use so in the school setting the user would not look so different from others. A question that did come to mind when watching the videos is whether or not we should allow all students to use an IPod Touch. I hope this question comes up in class.
I am already regretting not knowing earlier about this and the other technologies mentioned. The APP which converts speaking to writing would have been such an enhancement for a past student of mine who had great difficulty with the writing process. Unfortunately he has moved on to the junior high. I will contact them to suggest the device.
I think the SSRSB is doing a wonderful job for their students. It seems like they have a wonderful team seeing to the needs of the students. As a member of the Planning Team at my school I will ensure that assistive technology is discussed more often, I will learn more about our assistive technology team, and I will seek out professional learning opportunities offered by my board.
You go girl! We need all members of the PPT teams to be advocates of AT:) Thanks for the great comments.